




Dr. 李教授生物力学, 运动生理学, and Kinesiology courses 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 since Fall 2020. 在康科迪亚之前. 李教授曾担任美国亚利桑那大学萨弗心脏中心研究员和韩国机械研究院首席研究员 & 材料(KIMM)在韩国. She has a Bachelor of Science in Physics from Ewha Womans University, a Master of Education in Physical Education from Seoul National University in South Korea, 和Ph值.D. in Kinesiology (Concentration in Biomechanics) from University of Calgary, Canada. Dr. Lee在同行评审期刊上发表了18篇原创研究论文,并在生物力学和生理学会议论文集上发表了20多篇论文. 她在骨骼肌和心肌从细胞到全身水平的生物力学测试方面有丰富的经验. Dr. Lee目前的研究兴趣是老年人或老年肌肉保持偏心力量的机制.

Dr. Lee resides in Cypress with her husband Joo and daughter Minah. 他们是布埃纳公园感恩节教堂的成员,喜欢户外活动和去海洋世界, 圣地亚哥.


Dr. 内森•迈耶


Dr. 内森•迈耶 moved to Irvine from Ames, IA, where he completed his B.S. '06 (Business: Management of Information Systems; German), M.S. ’13(运动机能学:运动心理学)和博士学位.D. 18(运动机能学:体育活动流行病学). Dr. Meier是体育活动流行病学实验室(Dept .)的项目经理或招聘协调员. 运动机能学,国际科学联盟. 李德哲,他的顾问. Each semester the lab utilized around 25-50 undergraduate research assistants, 硕士生数名, 还是个博士后.

Dr. Meier发表了许多关于大学生对减压方法的生理反应的研究文章, 基于消费者的身体活动监测的有效性, the relationship of physical activity and 健身 on the development of glaucoma, 多种身体成分测量方法用于筛选与年龄相关的肌肉质量损失的验证, 力量和功能(肌肉减少症), 身体活动之间的关系, 健身, 肌肉减少症患者的力量和肌肉量.

Dr. Meier和他的妻子Sarah喜欢户外徒步旅行, 运行, and biking and promote lifestyle as medicine through healthy choices around diet and exercise. Dr. 迈尔还精通柔道, 2017年获得四级黑带, 并领导着CU柔道俱乐部. 当他在爱荷华州的时候. Meier was an active leader of the Iowa State University Cyclone Martial Arts clubs, 担任柔道俱乐部主席, 助理教练, 和国家队教练. 除了他的运动追求,博士. 他一直积极参与教会事工,在艾姆斯韩国联合卫理公会教会担任青年小组教师和主任9年,并在基督社区教会的敬拜团队中弹奏原声吉他.




Dr. 特里·奥尔森在德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校担任临床助理教授后,开始了他在康考迪亚大学欧文分校的八年全职教师生涯. He began his educational career as an elementary physical education teacher in both Las Cruces, NM和曼斯菲尔德, TX. 他目前担任健康与人文科学学院院长,此前被任命为艺术与科学学院院长和运动与体育科学系系主任. Dr. Olson的教育背景包括新墨西哥州立大学理学学士学位,理学硕士学位和博士学位.D. 在新墨西哥大学担任体育教师教育(PETE)项目的研究和教学助理. Dr. 奥尔森目前的研究重点是自我调节和批判性思维的职前教师在体育教育,他继续在教室里服务,他教运动发展.  

Dr. Olson continues to work closely with the community as an advocate for health and wellness. 他目前为许多当地非营利组织的健康倡议提供健康和领导力教育,并且是the BREATH Foundation的创始人,为奥兰治县服务不足的人口以及我们在Camp Pendleton的军事成员提供健康和健康支持.

在博士之前. 在奥尔森的学术生涯中,他曾在美国.S. 在美国独立号航空母舰上担任FA - 18大黄蜂飞机结构机械师, Japan.

Dr. Olson resides in Aliso Viejo with his wife Michele and two children, Tyler and Macey. They are members of the Light of Christ Lutheran Church in Irvine. 


  • 新墨西哥大学博士.D in Physical Education, Sports and Exercise Science 2009
  • 新墨西哥大学,M.S. 《博彩平台网址大全》,2005年
  • 新墨西哥州立大学,理学学士.S. 体育教育2000




Dr. 万斯Tammen自2001年来到康考迪亚大学以来,一直担任多个校园教学和行政职务. He is currently the Chair of the Kinesiology department in the 健康与人文科学学院. His educational background includes a Bachelor of Science and Ph.D. from University of Illinois and Master of Science from Kansas State University. Dr. 塔曼教授运动学习, sport psychology and historical and socio-cultural foundations of sport and physical education. His research specialty is the social psychology of sport and physical activity. 他的主要研究领域包括:(1)教练和运动员的动机;(2)整个生命周期的健康. 他写了三章书, 6篇期刊论文, 在会议论文集中发表论文30余篇, 超过30种原创服务出版物, 做过超过65次学术报告, conducted over 40 sport psychology service presentations, and has done thousands of hours of sport psychology service to athletes, 教练, & 组织. 

在上帝呼召康考迪亚大学之前. Tammen was an Assistant Professor at Ball State University in Muncie, 印第安纳州, and prior to that he was Lecture of Sport Psychology at Victoria University in Melbourne, 澳大利亚. He also taught at the University of Illinois-Urbana and at Kansas State University. He did his sport psychology internship at the United States Olympic Training Center at Colorado Springs. Dr. 塔曼在康考迪亚大学教练和体育管理硕士课程的课程开发中发挥了重要作用.

Dr. 塔曼踢足球踢到了30岁出头, but he now enjoys all forms of sport and physical activity.  

Dr. Tammen resides in San Clemente with his wife Renee, kids Casey and Shelby. 他喜欢喝好酒, 精美的食物, 烹饪, 旅行, and he is an ardent fan of the Fighting Illini and Chicago Cubs. 


  • Ph.D. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校
  • M.S. 堪萨斯州立大学,曼哈顿,堪萨斯州
  • B.S. 伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳分校




教授迈克尔·瑞安带来了一个独特的混合性能和康复专业知识的康考迪亚大学欧文的运动机能学计划. 他的职业生涯以各种角色为标志, including serving as a strength and conditioning coach at high school, 大学, 和专业的运动水平. 另外, 他在健康环境中担任运动生理学家,这一角色磨练了他在进行全面评估和为不同人群制定量身定制的生活方式干预方面的敏锐度. 这种背景下, coupled with his work in geriatric rehabilitation and health behavior change, underscores his ability to provide holistic care to individuals across the lifespan.

除了他的实际经验之外, Ryan教授是认证的力量和调节专家(CSCS)和运动训练认证(ATC)医疗保健专业人士. 他的学术生涯包括获得加州州立大学运动生理学学士学位, Chico, and a Master of Science in Athletic Training from 欧文康考迪亚大学. 目前,作为一名博士.D. 新墨西哥州立大学的候选人, he is conducting research on sport pedagogy and the incidence of injuries in student-athletes.

他的研究贡献范围很广, including authoring a book chapter on athlete-centered pedagogy in strength and conditioning coaching, 发表了一项关于营养干预的研究,旨在改善高中运动员的身体成分, and contributing to research in physical education teacher education.

在教室里, Professor Ryan embraces a student-centered teaching philosophy, 强调体验式学习,使学生在不同领域的运动机能学中面对现实世界的挑战.

和他的妻子住在拉古纳尼格尔, 迷迭香, 赖安教授喜欢冲浪, 在体育, 在闲暇时间演奏音乐.





艾莉约翰逊 has a positive association with 欧文康考迪亚大学. It has been a part of 艾莉约翰逊’s lifelong growth and learning. 她获得了运动科学学士学位,主修运动科学和教练,辅修全球研究. 在她本科学习期间, Ellie was a standout on the women’s tennis team and she studied with the Around the World program. 她在博彩平台网址大全继续接受高等教育,并在担任女子网球队助理教练期间获得了教练硕士学位. 在她完成硕士学位后不久, Ellie was hired as head coach for women’s tennis at Westmont College. For five years she coached the Warriors and lead them to a conference championship. During her tenure at Westmont, she was voted coach of the year three times. She also developed and taught inclusive PE classes and facilitated the campus weight room.

Ellie has been an adjunct professor at Concordia for three years. She brings experience, knowledge and enthusiasm to each class she teaches. She has a sincere desire to help students realize their academic and professional goals.




Professor Newman has been teaching in the Kinesiology Dept. 自2017年春季起,就读于欧文康考迪亚大学. He is an adjunct Professor who brings a practical knowledge of training to the classroom. 他在一家名为Pro Sport的私人体育训练机构担任全职力量和调节教练. 在此之前,他在私人体育训练中心进行了15年以上的训练,并在亚利桑那州立大学和长滩州立大学担任了5年多的大学力量教练. He brings a wealth of knowledge on how to incorporate science into training.


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